The Porsche and Mercedes Museums in Stuttgart, Germany

After a night in Freiburg, Germany, we continued our roadtrip through Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium to the city of Stuttgart. One of our teenage sons is a big fan of sporty cars, so in the research for the trip, we looked into whether Porsche had a visitor center. We then discovered that both the Porsche Museum and the Mercedes-Benz Museum are in the same city of Stuttgart in southwestern Germany. While we only had time to visit these two museums, other visitors seem to also enjoy the Mercedes-Benz Arena, the Staatsgalerie (an art museum), the Wilhelma Zoological-Botanical Garden, Killesberg Park, and more!

Since we were time-constrained, we decided to visit the smaller Porsche Museum first, get lunch, then see how much time we had left for the larger Mercedes Museum. It was a good plan!

The Porsche Museum

The Porsche Museum was quite impressive and was a highlight of our roadtrip for our two teenage boys. How many teenagers wouldn’t appreciate some time looking at a whole museum filled with fast cars?

One of the biggest surprises was all of the “other” cars that Porsche has made. I definitely wasn’t expecting to see a tractor!

And who wouldn’t enjoy admiring the artwork on this one?

Of course, little kids might prefer seeing Sally Carrera from Pixar’s Cars movie!

And what police officer would complain about this car?

We were a bit short on time, but if you have a little longer than we did, consider renting a car and taking a spin!

We ended up buying a “Porsche”! Our kids were a little disappointed that this “Porsche” was quite small and made of chocolate, but all things being equal, they really couldn’t complain!

At the end, we decided to eat lunch in the Boxenstopp Bistro.

The Mercedes-Benz Museum

Feeling refreshed from lunch, we decided to head over to the Mercedes-Benz Museum. With exhibits on 9 levels, this is a huge museum and a true enthusiast could spend a very long period of time here.

On arrival, there was a very long line of people waiting to buy tickets. We realized that we really should have pre-purchased our tickets, but the good news was that we were able to buy them from our phones while standing in line. This probably saved us a decent 20-30 minute wait!

We were greeted by a section on the history of Mercedes-Benz. It was fascinating to view some of the early vehicles!

Just like in the Porsche museum, it was also quite interesting to see some of Mercedes-Benz’s commercial vehicles. James particularly liked the snowplow!

Of course, there were plenty of very nice “traditional” looking Mercedes-Benzes as well!

And since Mercedes is a big participant in the Formula 1 races, we shouldn’t forget about all of the race cars on display!

All in all, it was a very good day!

Our Evening

From here, we went to check into our hotel. Even though Stuttgart is a business and industry-oriented town, it is still fairly cute and we decided to spend the night here. While we usually enjoy staying as close to the center as possible, this time we decided to stay near a train stop and take public transportation into the more touristy section of town. Do note that Stuttgart (like many places in Germany) has the concept of a group day ticket, which is valid for any group of 5 or fewer. As long as you are traveling together, this can make a lot of sense to purchase.

While in town, there happened to be a festival for children in progress and we had a lot of fun watching the locals enjoying their children. For dinner, we found a restaurant with a pleasant setting along the square and enjoyed some more German food!

What a fun roadtrip stop in Germany!

More From Adventures of the 4JLs

Keep reading our travel blog for more adventures in Germany:

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